Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
New to the Military? The Benefits Are Endless

By Jenna Moede

I’ve learned over time that life doesn’t always turn out the way that I planned. Sometimes, it turns out even better than I could have imagined.

Life married to a man in the military definitely fits the unplanned bill. Even though I always feel surprised by new things, even after doing this for several years, I found a few twists and turns that surprise me more than others.

I learned pretty quickly that my spouse’s work center and the people he met there became like a second family to him.

PCS ... boosts PHC (Permanent Habit Change)?

By Christine Cioppa  

New Year's Eve resolutions fizzle? Not to worry. Your next permanent change of station may help you make new habits stick! A new study, published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, found that a residential relocation causes such a disturbance in old habits, at least temporarily, that people are better able to change undesired behaviors.

Nurturing Nature As You Choose a Career

By Amy Nielsen

I am a woman in my mid-forties. I am raising two young girls who are of the age to start to explore what they want to be when they grow up. I also have a stepson who is starting the journey of choosing a college, or not, for his chosen career path. It is an interesting time to be a parent for sure.

If you asked me what I wanted to do for a career when I was a kid, I can say I would have not been able to answer. I had no idea. To some degree, I still don’t. Because, what I am good at isn’t really career or field specific.

Online Students Should Tour Campus Virtually

By Jenna Moede

When you marry a military member, you commit to a lifestyle that sets certain limits. Educational opportunities for spouses are not one of them.

When colleges began moving their classes online, the world opened up for students like military spouses who need their school to follow them from place to place.

And every day, online colleges become better at offering students a typical college experience, without ever setting foot on campus.

Are Volunteer Expenses Tax Deductible? You Bet!

Military families are also often dedicated volunteers, sometimes to several organizations.

Tax return time is a chance to recoup some of the money we spend to help our communities.

Sure you get a warm and fuzzy feeling for helping out. You make new friends. You learn new skills. And, if you keep your records correctly, you can use the money you spend to volunteer as a deduction on your annual tax form.

The Value of Rest

By Amy Nielsen

I have been going full tilt buggie for the last few months and my candle is truly nearing its middle.

However, in the last 24 hours, I was given the rare opportunity to not be in charge, and instead, focus only on my daughters as we headed to another of my youngest child’s out of town medical appointments.

It also gave me a chance to learn to be a passenger, which I never am.

Are You Waiting for the Perfect Time to Go Back to School?

By Jenna Moede


A month has passed since people made new goals for the new year.  When I discussed resolutions with my friends, more than one put going to college on their list. 


So now, after a month has passed, I’ve talked to those same friends who said they wanted to go back to college. I’ve heard a laundry list of reasons why they have decided not to.

I want to examine a couple of the main reasons I’ve heard that cause spouses to hesitate before taking the leap to attend college.

New Military Only Shopping Site Launched

Do you enjoy online shopping?

If so, Blue Star Families has a new perk just for you.

This month the military family support organization launched a new, members-only, online shopping platform.  Blue Star Deals is open only to military members, their spouses and children. The site requires only a name and email address for registration.

Tabs in the online portal divide shopping into wellness, financial, travel, hotels, car rentals, tickets, electronics and other general categories.

The Reawakening of Self-Esteem

By Amy Nielsen

I have some very interesting friends in my life. Many with deep passions for things well beyond my comprehension. Lately, I have had to make some hard decisions about what I really believe and what behavior I allow to continue in my circle of friends.

This recent political climate has reawakened a personal, and I believe, national understanding of self-esteem that is giving a voice to deeply held passions. The generalized indignation of the nation is setting free the voices of the people. Some of those voices speak unbelievable things.

Lay the Ground Work for a Great Education with Basic Courses First

By Jenna Moede


I know a lot of people out there want to start school, and get to their major course of study. Immediately. But, the list of classes looks daunting. To earn your degree, you will need to take classes specific to your major, as well as general education classes such as English and math.


And it may feel like these classes have nothing to do with your dream job.


I completely felt that way when I started college too. I didn’t think general education classes had any real purpose. I felt like taking them would waste my time.


For Military Spouses
Apply for the Salute to Spouses scholarship today and begin your education! You’ll be on the way to your dream career.

Salute to Spouses Scholarship Recipients