Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
On Being Your Authentic Self

By Amy Nielsen

This week my class focused on teaching students to learn who they are - how to find your personality type and own it.

For example, if you are type A, go for it and know that you might run over a few people, so learn the art of apology. If you are a wallflower, learn the art of letter writing and blogging to make your strong, well thought out opinions heard.

We learned that you will always be at cross purposes with yourself unless you understand what kind of person you are, what makes you tick, and how to use that to your best advantage.

Ready to Register for Class

By Jenna Moede

You applied. You spoke with your academic adviser. You received your degree plan. Now what!?

Now, I hope you feel fired up and ready to take your next steps as a college student.

As I’ve mentioned before, you need to make friends with your degree plan, and I mean best friends. It will guide you through every course, every semester and every year. I think that by the time I graduated, I could have recited mine from memory.

Barreling towards graduation

By Amy Nielsen

Is that a freight train or blue sky the end of the tunnel?

It feels odd to say that I have finished my graduation requirements for school, but there you have it. I have finished them. I still have three weeks of school and one test left, but all of my circles are green and the little cap is highlighted. Yeah go me!

So, now what?

I need to shift my focus and decide if the light at the end of the tunnel I have been living in for the last year is the blue sky or if it is the oncoming train.

Talk to Your Academic Adviser, About Everything

By Jenna Moede

So you have received your acceptance email. Now what?

You should also have received your login and password to access your online classes. So, first things first, login and make sure everything works.

You should now have access to your school email account, your financial aid information, class registration, course path and tons of other resources. 

You should also have the contact information for your adviser. Most of the time you will be assigned to an adviser that has a specialty in your field, and this will really help you.

New Report on the Health of Military Wives

By Christine Cioppa

A recent report’s introductory line says what every military family member already knows: “The families of military personnel are a resilient group of men, women, and children who endure many hardships for their country.”

What most people don’t know is how those hardships may harm the health of military children and spouses.

Conferences and Comfort Zones

By Amy Nelson

This past weekend, I attended a midsize conference for the vocational training school I am currently enrolled in. I was not quite sure what to expect.

In the past, I have attended more than a few conferences, of various sizes, in many different industries. Since I have worked the logistical side of a conference before, that gave me the confidence to attend as a participant. But academic conferences can be a different ball of wax altogether. However, being a for-profit school, this wasn’t exactly an academic conference, as such.

The College Application Process – First, Don’t Panic

Let’s talk about applying for college.

I heard absolute nightmares about the stress caused by college applications. A friend of mine told me she had been sweating about the college application process, and rejection, since her sophomore year of  high school.


The truth is that many military spouses want to go back to school, but, the application process intimidates them.

Kick Start Your Spring and Visit a Job Fair

Are you PCSing this summer? Visiting your new location in the spring to house hunt? Why not plan your visit in conjunction with a local job fair?

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation hosts military and military spouse only job fairs all year long, at various locations, around the nation.

The corporations who attend are there because they want military families on their staff. They know the skills that military spouses can bring to their business and they want to hire. Now.


By Amy Nielsen

Yesterday I took a trip down memory lane, on a quick and somewhat unannounced visit to my relative’s house.

We recently moved closer to home than I have lived in nearly 15 years. Many of the people I saw yesterday had never met my daughters, who are school age now. In bringing my daughters to meet family in this unassuming way, I was apprehensive of the reception we would receive. My extended family can be overwhelming, and overwhelmed, upon first meeting.

Short PCS? Always Unpack

By Jenna Moede

When you move every few years, and sometimes every few months, why bother unpacking?

Military families know that a PCS lurks around every corner. And some spouses have given up on making their house their home.


For Military Spouses
Apply for the Salute to Spouses scholarship today and begin your education! You’ll be on the way to your dream career.

Salute to Spouses Scholarship Recipients