Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
Surprise, you’re applying to grad school!

By Amy Nielsen

Graduate level accreditation can be tricky. The course of study becomes much more focused, leading you to smaller niche schools.

Unfortunately, schools in some niches are hard to come by, so when I found out that my career changing vocational school had an accredited follow-on master’s degree program at an online school that fit in my budget and my schedule, I was ecstatic - until my state yanked the accreditation midway through my principle year.

When the semester ends, what to keep, toss and sell

By Jenna Moede

I remember the overwhelming excitement of reaching my last final exam or handing in that final research paper. A feeling of relief always washed over me because I had completed, successfully, another semester.

Then I would take a look around my home and force myself to figure out what to do with all the papers, notes, books and information I’d accumulated throughout the semester.

After several semesters, I learned what I needed to keep, what to throw out and, fingers crossed, what to sell.

June Hiring Fairs

By Salute to Spouses Staff

PCS, family vacations, summer fun, packing, unpacking – June, July and August are busy months. Make sure you plan time to attend a job fair if you hope to return to work this fall.

The U.S. Chamber Foundation hosts job fairs around the nation every month that are open only to military personnel and their spouses. The companies that attend know you will move soon. But they also know military spouses are trained, professional and top notch employees – and they will be happy to have you for as long as you can stay.

Hoopin’ the Hustle

By Amy Nielsen

While I was in school I was introduced to the concept of the side hustle. Now, I am of an age where that term is somewhat shady so it took me a while to reframe the idea into one I could embrace. The word job scares the heck out of me but a side hustle as I discovered, is something right up my alley. Pun intended.

Avoid Summer Brain Drain and Stay Motivated!

By Jenna Moede

For everyone that has opted to take a break this summer, relax and take it easy on this summer vacation but also engage your brain in fun ways.

I’ve heard it said that we have to work the brain like any other muscle in order to keep it strong, but that feels so impossible when I’d rather enjoy the sunshine or some thoughtless entertainment over the summer.

I never took advantage of breaks during my undergrad years, but I remember how they felt while in high school, and I struggled with motivation.

Just in time for PCS season, the Blue Star Museums program is back!

More than 2,000 museums across the nation want to make this summer a little less stressful for you. And, the cost is free.

The Blue Star Museums program is again offering free admission to more than 2,000 museums in all 50 states for military members and their families. The program runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

Check the website and click on the map for a user-friendly list of blue star museums in each state.

Applying for the Dream Job

By Amy Nielsen

I have been waiting for my dream job to post so I can apply for it. I heard about the position from someone who works in the same office a few weeks ago. Over the last weeks, the funding has been frozen as the fiscal year changed over.

I have been checking the postings every few days. Today the new openings went up finally. When I saw it, I nearly hyperventilated.

To Take Summer Break, Or Not

By Jenna Moede

Okay, let’s talk summer. If your social media looks anything like mine, you have seen college graduation photo after college graduation photo the past few weeks. This can only mean one thing, spring semester has finally ended.

Great! Except for everyone that hasn’t graduated yet. I remember this time of year always causing me a little confusion during my undergraduate studies.

I wanted to finish my degree quickly, but I also really, really, really needed a break.

Self-Employment – Who’s Doing What?

Want to determine your hours? Your own work load? Be your own boss?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released a list of occupations that in 2016, had a large number of self-employed workers. They are:

I Graduated! Now What?

By Amy Nielsen

I did it! I graduated! I am now a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach!

It was a bit surreal watching my graduation ceremony online on my laptop in my pj’s on the couch with the nightly news in the background and my kids shrieking in the tub. I suppose I could have made more of an occasion of it. Had a glass of wine, perhaps. But it was broadcast late after a long day. In fact, I almost missed it. I did get a selfie with my name on the screen though.

So, now what?


For Military Spouses
Apply for the Salute to Spouses scholarship today and begin your education! You’ll be on the way to your dream career.

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