Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
Embrace the Monday

By Jenna Moede

I love Mondays.

Wait! Don’t quit reading just yet though. Stick with me.

I used to jump on the anti-Monday bandwagon, and I’ve seen the memes and heard my friends complain because, I know, I know, no one likes a Monday.

But, imagine enjoying a Monday, or two Mondays or EVERY Monday.

It worked for me. Let me explain.

I love Mondays now because they represent a new week. Monday feels like a do-over to me. I know Sunday really begins the next week, but honestly, Monday always feels like the first day of a new week to me.

Overcome First Week Jitters

By Jenna Moede

Have you ever felt like a lost wanderer? Trust me, I’m waving my arms wildly over here. I totally felt that way not during the admission process but during the first overwhelming classes of my online college career. 

Finding a good groove in my online classes took a while for me, but through some trial and error, I figured out how to calm my jitters as each new semester started and feel prepared to take on my classes.

Transcripts, Books and AP Credits – Oh My!

By Jenna Moede

Can you believe this!? We have finally covered everything from applying to college to starting you first classes, but we have just a few more topics to chat about.

Prepare these final steps so you can press on into your real and exciting college career.

First, make sure you take the time to submit your transcripts. Likely, your university will not allow you to start classes without doing this.

Military Family Services May be Slow to Re-Hire After Freeze

Despite an end to the federal hiring freeze earlier this month, services for military families may remain in limbo, and even suspended.

When the federal government placed a freeze on all federal hiring in late January, the Department of Defense was allowed to hire only new military members to send to individual service boot camps.

Pancake Zen

Pancake Zen. Yes, it’s a thing. Or it is now because I am going to make it a thing. I am going to teach Pancake Zen. It is going to be my intro to meditation through food class. I just came up with it this morning, while making breakfast. This blog is going to touch on two seemingly different topics but I promise that they are really speaking to the same theme. Those two are meditation practice and creating the space in your business for creative process.

One More Test

By Amy Nielsen

I have exactly one exam left before I finish school. I have scored well, if not perfectly on each of the previous tests and quizzes. I am happy with those answers that I got wrong as many were a disagreement on philosophy rather than specifically a wrong answer. I know when I take the exam next week, I will pass it with a respectable, if not perfect, grade.

Upcoming Spouse Only Job Fairs

PCS season is coming. Are you planning to visit your new duty station to house hunt? Why not schedule your visit the same time as a local job fair?

The Chamber of Commerce Foundation hosts job fairs around the nation every month that are open only to military members and their spouses. If you are shopping for a house ahead of your PCS move, why not shop for a job as well?

Visit the website listed below each date and be sure to register. Spots fill up quickly and many events do not take unregistered attendees at the door.

Baby Steps

By Amy Nielsen

I am very proud of myself. I didn’t chicken out. I ran my first informational booth at our season opener, community vendor fair.

The monthly event allows anyone who pays $25 to host a booth. The spread included Mary Kay sales, the local insurance agent, wildlife rehabilitators and every Pinterest DIYer imaginable.

Search for Scholarships Before You Apply for those Loans

By Jenna Moede

Okay, we need to address the elephant in the room. Money!

No one can deny that for a college education, you’ll have to shell out some money or earn some scholarships. Now that you have finished registering for classes, you need to take this on next. 

Usually you will need to complete registration before your financial check-in because the number of credits you take will help determine the final cost for the semester.

Also, before you write that check, search all scholarship avenues.

Want to Work from Home? Work for Amazon

The online retail giant, Amazon, is hiring 5,000 at-home workers, and have specifically targeted military spouses as the kind of employees they want. Now.

The jobs are part of a larger plan to add 30,000 workers to the company’s ranks. The at-home positions are Virtual Customer Service employees.

In a statement last week, Tom Weiland, Amazon’s vice president for worldwide customer service specifically named military spouses as a group the company is focused on hiring from.


For Military Spouses
Apply for the Salute to Spouses scholarship today and begin your education! You’ll be on the way to your dream career.

Salute to Spouses Scholarship Recipients