Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
DOD launches spouse career-planning tool

Need guidance navigating your career or education path? The DOD has an app for that.

Earlier this year the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program (SECO) launched a new website called My Individual Career Plan, MyICP for short.

Lean on Me

Woman with laptop in cafeOne week, during our last deployment, the dreaded “F” word reared its ugly head:  Finals. 

One Bite at a Time

Woman on computer with babyMy husband and I met young, while we were teenagers. Within two years, we were married, and shortly thereafter, pregnant with our first son. I did something I swore I would never do, because we didn’t have another financial option: I dropped out of college. I told myself that I’d go back, that this was only temporary.

School Can Wait

Now or Later CheckboxI am a graduate school dropout. Not a title I am exactly proud of, but it’s my reality. I withdrew from my classes the week they started. I was so excited to start this chapter in my life but when it came down to it, I’m just not ready.

By the Way, I Have an Award Ceremony You Need to Attend. Tomorrow. With the Kids. Seriously.

My husband received an award during his last deployment.

I was, apparently, not nearly as excited about it as I should have been because upon his return, I overhead a voicemail from his chief explaining that he hoped that my children and I would be at the presentation of the award, as it was “such a big deal.”

Granted, this voicemail was left the evening before the award ceremony.

Computer glitches and downed email and mistypes, oh my!

Oh, technology, how you play with my heart.

You make speaking with our husbands while they are deployed to a combat zone in the middle of nowhere, an easy peasy process.

But last week when I had to rename a file, and failed to notice I used the same name of an existing file, kaboom. All was lost. File gone. The words filtered into the air like they never existed.

Follow Your Head or Your Heart?

I love words. 

You might remember that about me. We talked about it last week. 

You might also remember my ridiculous indecision regarding which degree plan to choose.  Follow my heart and pursue writing or follow my head and pick something more practical than a liberal arts degree? 

After a lot of thought, and then some more thought, and a little thought to cap it off, I’ve made a decision … a liberal arts degree it is! 

Reintegrate This

So Jason has been home over a month. The honeymoon period is mostly over, and we’re neck-deep in reintegration. 

This part sucks.

Babies, books and jobs – this military spouse balances it all

Navy spouse, Nicole Lockwood said she is not sure what possessed her to sign up for a full load of classes at seven months pregnant, while working a full-time job. Three months later, her husband deployed for 14 months leaving her with a newborn and two older children.

What she does know is that she picked the right school to help her through the challenges.

“Everybody worked with me and my schedule. My teachers were amazing. I loved the flexibility,” she said.

Warm and Fuzzy Reunion Videos Hide the Hard Truth

The entire nation sniffed back tears during the Budweiser Super Bowl commercial that welcomed home a young military officer, complete with a ticker tape parade in his hometown.

My Facebook feed is peppered with surprise homecoming videos: dads and moms appearing in uniform at their kids' schools, at their spouse's offices and of one service member who dressed as a pizza delivery man to shock his unsuspecting mom.


For Military Spouses
Apply for the Salute to Spouses scholarship today and begin your education! You’ll be on the way to your dream career.

Salute to Spouses Scholarship Recipients