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Want an Election Job? Look beyond the Campaigns

The presidential primaries are upon us. It means more than endless television ads and front page coverage. It could mean a new job for you.

Sure, campaigns are staffed by lots of people, including professional political organizers who actually run each candidates bid for the presidency as well as hourly volunteers who man the phone lines and knock on doors.

But, there are jobs to be had outside of the candidate's war rooms. Lots of them.

On job search site,, a search for "presidential election" jobs brings 48 opportunities, including software developers to maintain the machines that count the votes, research assistants for media companies as they cover the votes, and sales coordinators to manage the selling and purchasing of ad space offered during prime time election coverage.

Local election offices are also hiring workers to help manage the thousands of local elections and ballot counting nights that are schedule over the next year. The starting salary listed in most of those offices came to $32,000 a year.

And, those local political groups are hiring too.

Another search on the job listing site,, shows that the republican party of Pennsylvania is hiring field managers. Several local board of elections were also hiring staff to test the voting equipment and monitor it on election day. Type the word "election" into the site's search and more than 700 jobs appear.

Want to be more in the thick of the elections? Work for a group advocating for voter outreach. Several organizations in California who list on are also hiring people to collect signatures for petitions to place items on the ballot.

 This election season, don't focus on the political mud throwing, focus on building your career.

For more listings on election jobs, visit these sites:

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