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Can’t Find a Job in Your Career Field? Try Retail

Sometimes a career can head in a direction one least expects. And, many times, especially for Army wife Chelsea Smith, it’s all about putting yourself in the right place at the right time.

Smith, an Army wife of 10 years, has an education degree and began her career working as a teacher. When she and her husband moved to their next duty station in Virginia, the job market wasn’t great for teachers. With no children at the time and deployments and trainings ahead, Smith wanted to do something to keep busy, as well as contribute to her family income. She found work as a seasonal sales associate at Kirkland’s, a home décor and gift store.

“I started in the fall and wasn’t even guaranteed a position past January,” Smith said. But she continued to work through the holidays. Soon, the Smiths received orders to go to Georgia which sadly, was another area that was furloughing teachers.

Upon learning of her impending move, Smith immediately spoke with her manager who contacted the Kirkland’s manager in the city she was moving to. Fortunately, there was an assistant manager position available. Smith’s manager highlighted her experience and education but initially Smith was hired as a sales associate.

Smith’s philosophy is, “you get in the door, then you show your leadership skills and you can put yourself at the top of the list when it’s time to promote.”

When the next deployment began, Smith elected to work long hours and impressed her manager with her skills and work ethic. When the assistant manager had to vacate her position, Smith was quickly promoted. As assistant manager, Smith was responsible for opening and closing, making daily deposits, employee schedules and some disciplinary situations. She also came in contact with other managers from surrounding area stores and to this day, still keeps in touch with many of them.

“Working in retail gave me the opportunity to be exposed to people from multiple places, and as a military spouse, you never know who you’re going to see again,” Smith said.

Smith worked in this capacity until her husband returned home and she became pregnant with their first child.  During this time, she recruited some of her friends who also came on board as sales associates and really showed the manager just how hard military spouses work, picking up extra shifts and working doubles if necessary.

 As her pregnancy progressed, Smith chose to stop working. Just a few months after her son was born, the store closed and moved to a new location. Smith’s manager reached out to her to request some part-time help in opening the new store and training new employees. Smith agreed, and after a fallout with the current assistant manager, Smith took on the role again until someone new could be hired.

Smith spoke highly of the contacts she made working for this company and feels secure that if she moves to another area where Kirklands is, she can find work at the level she left, due to her experience and connections.

Working in retail may not have been the job she dreamed of but is the job she needed.

“Take a chance, even if it’s not your ideal job, you’re making friends and contacts that can be an asset later,” she said. “It can be one more contact in your pocket for a job or reference down the road.”

Another move and another baby later, Smith, now 31, is the Director of the Child Development Center for Child and Youth Services at their current post. She credits her retail management experience in helping her obtain this position.

“I had the education already, but then my experience in managing people in retail made me eligible for this fantastic job,” Smith said.

Military life is full of twists and turns and Smith continues to fully embrace them and make her own opportunities.

“Working in retail may have seemed like I wasn’t using my education but it ultimately got me to where I am now. When choosing to work in retail, it’s shift work and can be long hours, so always do what’s best for your family, but for me, it was a valuable experience and in the long run, it was worth it.”

Act Professionally, Even Off the Job

And suddenly I was put in the position to hire someone.

And I knew exactly who it wouldn’t be.

My office has a position for a part-time worker this summer. And I have to choose. Acquaintances dropped hints. Friends outright asked. People I barely knew assumed I would offer it to them.

And I began to see them all through a completely different lens. I knew my neighbor would never arrive at time, since she was always stumbling in at the last minute to every local event. I feared that mom at school couldn’t be trusted to even show up since she has missed so many meetings and playdates before. 

The neighborhood teen who might have been great also had a tendency to pass up opportunities because she had “plans” or wanted to “hang out.” Building her resume always lost out to whatever was playing on television that night.

One by one as I looked around it was hard to find someone who possessed the basic skills we were looking for.

And that is the danger of networking. Don’t get me wrong, networking is great. It can open doors and introduce you to people you would otherwise never have met. Networking in many circles is the number one way to secure a job.

But, you have to remember that every opportunity to meet up with others is a chance to network. And when you stumble in, 20 minutes late and completely unprepared, on a consistent basis, someone in the crowd is going to remember.

And just because someone loves you as a friend doesn’t mean they would love to hire you.

I ended up hiring someone from a crowd of resumes, someone who had taken the time to present themselves professionally and with excitement for the job. Meanwhile my friends cried foul and complained that I should have just given it to them.

There are job opportunities all around us. The simple act of networking through your friends can lead to boundless opportunities.

Just don’t forget, your friends know you best. What exactly do they know about you? If your friend politely declined to hire you, it may be time to take a look inside, find out why and work on improving it. 

Our Favorite Website: National Military Family Association: It Is Time to Register for Operation Purple Camp

Our favorite military website this month is none other than that of the National Military Family Association. While we love the work they do for military families and the advocacy they provide for us, this month kicks off the beginning of an annual traditional that we can't thank them enough for: Operation Purple Camp.

Every summer the National Military Family Association whisks away hundreds of military children to a full week of camp - for free. Camps are located in dozens of states. Here,  kids drink bug juice, swim, hike, make crafts and new friends - just like at a traditional summer camp.

But at Operation Purple Camp, they are also surrounded by staff members and campers just like them - who understand how hard it is to sleep at night when your dad is sleeping under the stars in Iraq. Or how know the pain that comes when you move to a new state the day after you return home from camp, and leave a place without seeing your best friend one last time. They know what it is to sit in a hospital waiting room for days while doctors try to fix your broken, soldier father.

This camp is a safe zone for military kids to be free, to express the feelings that come with being a military kid: joy, love, fear, anger, pride and loss. This camp is designed especially for them.

It is a gift and we are forever grateful.

Applications are being accepted for all Operation Purple Camps across the nation. The staff will then cull participants based first on children who are currently experiencing a deployment, have a parent who just returned or who is preparing to leave. Children of injured military members also receive preference. Children not currently experiencing a deployment cycle will fill in the leftover slots.

To apply, visit:

Changes Coming to Military Benefits

By Jan Wesner Childs

You’ve heard the rumors: The death of Tricare is imminent and retirement pay is on the chopping block.

The buzzards have been circling ever since Jan. 29 when the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission released 15 recommendations to revamp military pay and benefits.

Since then, lawmakers have weighed in during Congressional hearings, advocacy groups have shared their opinions – good and bad - and the rest of us have tried to figure out what this means for our futures.

And while retirement and health care are getting all the attention, there are some lesser-known recommendations in the report that could impact quality of life for military families, including childcare, financial counseling and education.

One of those is a change to GI Bill benefits. The commission recommended cutting the Basic Allowance for Housing for family members using GI bill benefits.  This means dependent children could no longer draw that allowance while in college.

The commission’s report stated that the BAH is sometimes much higher than the actual costs of room and board when used by dependents, and thus recommended eliminating it. No one would be grandfathered in, but the commission did not set a timeline for the change.

Perhaps the biggest of the commission’s recommendations is a new retirement plan that would include mandatory contributions by servicemembers to the Thrift Savings Plan, as well as a decrease in how much retirement pay increases for each year of service (those currently serving or already retired would be grandfathered in or have the option to switch to the new plan). It would also include matching TSP contributions by the government, similar to a corporate 401K plan.

The commission also recommended switching family member health care from Tricare to a broader insurance program that would let military families choose and pay for their own coverage from private insurers, supplemented by a monthly Basic Allowance for Health Care. It also calls for expanded coverage for families with special needs.


Re-organizing the commissaries and exchanges, or perhaps eliminating some of those services altogether, has been much debated, but the commission’s report recommended consolidating the services under one umbrella rather than making wholesale cuts.

It’s estimated that the commission’s recommendations could eventually save the Department of Defense $12 billion a year.

Some of the more obscure recommendations are not necessarily aimed at saving money, but rather at improving quality of life:

Childcare: The commission found that as of September there were 11,000 children on waiting lists worldwide for on-base childcare facilities. The report recommends streamlining the hiring process for childcare providers as well as the process for funding new or renovated facilities. Childcare personnel should also be exempt from hiring freezes and government furloughs, according to the report.

Military child education: The commission found that “Military dependent children experience unique stresses associated with parental deployments and frequent relocations that may adversely affect academic performance.” To help military students, the commission recommended that a nationwide “military dependent student identifier” be established to track student performance and attendance.

Financial planning: As part of its study, the commission surveyed more than 100,000 servicemembers, retirees, veterans and family members around the world. Ninety percent of servicemembers said they would like more financial education, and 82 percent of those expressed a desire for their spouses to be included in that education. It’s not clear how that education would be implemented, but the report placed an importance on encouraging servicemembers to more actively manage their own finances, especially if a new retirement program is introduced.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Create a system to analyze usage by military families of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as “food stamps). Currently, states are not required to track how many military families are using the program. The report estimated between 2,000 and 22,000 military families received SNAP benefits in 2012.


You can read the full --- page report of the Military Modernization and Compensation Commission here:, or click here for a summary of its recommendations: 

Military Spouse Job Fairs in March

Spring is coming! We promise. The snow will melt and you will be excited to leave the house again! Capture that renewed sense of energy now by attending a job fair. This month employers will attend job fairs around the country and be on the lookout for talented and dedicated military spouses just like you.

Check out this list and find the job fair nearest you! Be sure to click on the link for full details about each job fair and to register to attend.

March 6

Houston, Texas


March 10

Manchester, NH


March 11 – 12

Fort Benning, GA


Colorado Springs, CO


Louisville, KY


Salem, OR


March 12

Fort Carson, CO


March 25

Dallas, Texas

Grand Island, NE


Greenville, SC


Washington D.C.


March 26

Travis AFB, CA


March 27

Indianapolis, IN

Snow, Snow, Go Away

By Tiffany Shedd

February may be the shortest month of the year, but with all the winter weather we’ve gotten, it seems to be lasting forever. I thought that we weren’t going to have much of a winter, because last winter we started getting snow in early November.

This year, our first significant snow fall didn’t arrive until two weeks ago, and we have had snow pretty consistently every three to four days since then. It’s snowing right now.

Who is sick of the snow? This lady, that’s who. I bet there are a lot of you who are also tired of the cold, the snow, the school delays and cancellations, and missed appointments. I have got a major case of cabin fever. How about you?

Before I had a child, I don’t think that weather affected me nearly as much, aside from being stationed in Alaska and having S.A.D (but that’s a whole other subject). My little man loves being outside, so winter is particularly bad for him. He is a typical, stubborn 2-year-old and won’t keep his hat or mittens on.

The hat, I can deal with, but the mittens are problematic. His go-to move is to take the mittens off and immediately shove his hands into the snow. This always results in the same exact reaction. He slowly lifts his hands up above his head and starts shaking and yelling in rage at how cold and tingly his hands are. Any attempt to put the mittens back on are met with more screaming. Any attempt to take him into the house to warm up are met with blood curdling screams that typically cause the neighbors to check to see if he is being hurt. It isn’t pretty, folks.

So, outside time is scarce, for both of our safety (my mental and his physical). That leaves us stuck inside for far too long. In desperation, I admit, I often turn to Nick Jr. or Disney Jr. for some back up, but there is only so much Peppa Pig and Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

I have tried crafts, like coloring and painting. These only hold his attention for about two to three minutes. We have read “The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales” every day for the last three weeks. Yes, we have other books (hundreds of them), but when little man starts chanting “cheese, cheese” over and over again, it will only be quelled by reading this one. 

I have scoured the internet for toddler approved activities. I have a Pinterest board full of them. Have we tried any? Nah. The set up (ie: finding all the materials, getting them set up and ready) takes about three times as long as it will hold his attention. Toddlers have a really short attention span, if you hadn’t noticed.

Luckily, we are part of a great local mommies group. On days that are safe to travel, we have been spending time with other snowbound mommies and kids. Cabin fever isn’t as bad if you are in someone else’s house with more adults to commiserate about your snow sickness.

We have also taken advantage of our local libraries. They have weekly story times and a lot of them have play areas that are usually filled with other kids whose moms, dads, grandparents or nannies just couldn’t take staying at home anymore. I usually take a couple of minutes to find something for myself while we are there too. Mama’s gotta take care of mama too!

Our library even has activities and special times for kids with special needs (like ADHD and Autism) to come and enjoy as well. Just ask a librarian or check your library’s site. Most local libraries have Facebook pages now, so you can see what they have going on without searching their webpage.

I know I mention Facebook a lot, but it really is a great tool for finding local things and groups to get involved in. I have found more on Facebook than I have trying to find information in newspapers and local websites. Without it, I wouldn’t know about the Sensory sensitive movie times that AMC Theaters offer. I wouldn’t know about the special needs kids’ days at the local kids’ museum. It isn’t just for checking up on high school friends and posting funny cat videos, it really can be an excellent resource for parents, especially special needs parents.

Just remember that winter is technically almost over, even if it is still snowing and horribly cold. Hang in there. You’ll be outside sweating and wishing for cooler temperatures soon enough. Think about all those ice cream cones and picnics the next time your kid dumps every toy basket before 9 a.m. (yes, that happens here every morning). Cabin fever isn’t deadly, but it is as hard to shake as that bad cold you’ve probably had since November.

Make Your PCS Resignation a Win-Win

Resignation can be tricky when it’s time for you to PCS. On one hand, you want to give your employer plenty of time to advertise, interview, hire and train your replacement. On the other hand, you don’t want to set off a series of events that gives him or her excuses to let you go sooner than you are ready. And quite honestly, you never know how an employer will take the news until you deliver it.

“I recently had an employer who let me go just a few weeks after finding out that I would be moving to Rhode Island with my husband this summer,” said Army wife Kat Elwell. “I personally did not think this would happen to me because the university I work for has a non-discrimination policy against military spouses, but it was a great reminder that being let go after giving notice can happen anytime, to anyone.”

So while it’s easy to get caught up in planning everything around making the situation easy on your employer, do yourself a favor and plan for your professional and personal well-being in the process. Here are five ways to create a win-win situation for you and for your employer.

Give Plenty of Notice

Most times you will have an idea when your PCS is nearing. Have a meeting with your employer to discuss the possibility three to six months in advance, depending upon how critical your position is to your department’s operation. Use the opportunity to hear his or her concerns and to show that you intend to alleviate the ones you can. Think about what those concerns might be and present ideas for how you will handle them. You can give written notice later on as a follow up when you are surer of the actual PCS date.

“As we all know though, even once your service member has orders, those can sometimes change, so spouses should keep the lines of communication open with their employers," Elwell said.

Find Your Replacement

Nothing will lighten your employer’s stress more than knowing your departure won’t leave her short-handed. So, while networking to find your next job, you should also network to find your replacement. Look around you for internal leads. Has anyone expressed interest in your work? Is there a co-worker or intern who has or could impress the boss? Then, look for external prospects by asking colleagues outside the company for referrals. If the new person is brought onboard while you are still there, offer to train her to ensure a smooth transition.

Tie Up Loose Ends

Nobody knows the ins and outs of your day-to-day work better than you do, so you’d also be the best person to make sure nothing falls through the cracks. One great way to tie up the loose ends is to think back to when you first started the job. What processes or procedures have changed since then? Was there a desk guide in place? If there isn’t one now, create it. If there is one now, update it.

Don’t Overcommit Yourself

Avoid taking on too much extra work, out of guilt that you are leaving the job. Don’t start new projects or lead them. Leave yourself room for time off when you have appointments, when the movers come and when you have other PCS tasks. Effectively balancing your schedule and your workload will go a long way in making your manager comfortable that you have everything under control.

Be positive

“My best advice is to stay positive, smile and try to keep it light. If you are dreading giving notice and you wear that on your face, the employer will assume it is a negative situation,” Elwell said. “Saying thank you or expressing gratitude can never be interpreted badly, and often it makes a long-lasting impression.”

When all is said and done, your goal is to give proper attention to the personal side of PCS and still make sure you have set yourself up on the professional side for a glowing letter of recommendation, a job reference and ultimately, your next job.

The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

The babysitter cancelled. So the two toddlers headed to work to me, which today was at a school out on an island, across a long bridge and very far from much of anything.

We were locked out of the building, the wind was whipping, papers were blowing. Toddler number one had to pee. Toddler number two blew out her diaper, bad. Toddler number one peed her pants.

The event ran late - two hours late. The toddlers screamed, cried, ranted, raved.

And then, the virus that had plagued my house for two weeks, that the two screaming toddlers had just overcome; the virus I thought I had managed to dodge with zealous hand washing and OJ drinking, struck.

I threw up. Everywhere.

And then, it moved south, if you know what I mean.

Finally, it was time to go. We loaded up. The battery was dead.

A little more than 45 minute later, the local police arrived to jump us. I couldn't leave the seat of my vehicle to greet them. It was icky, if you know what I mean.

And, I forgot I had left the super nasty diaper on top of my SUV so we wouldn't have to smell it inside the whole time. The cops definitely noticed.

The hour and a half ride seemed like an eternity as I fought to keep the urge to vomit at bay and tried to convince the screaming toddlers, that seriously, we were almost home.

And at home, the dog had torn up the garage. The cat had puked on the carpet. And my oldest son was puking too.

My youngest son was in tears. It was 9 p.m. and he needed a costume of Hawaii's King Kamehameha by 8 a.m. the next morning for school. 

It was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

And sometimes, that happens.

But sunrise the flow of sickness had subsided. The costume was done, if not perfect and the messes were cleaned up.

It's going to be a fantastic, wonderful, very good day.

Deployment to do list: more than powers of attorney and tax documents

The deployment checklist is a real thing.

Of course, there’s many things we do before my husband deploys that one would expect. Practical stuff any military command would hope you do, like powers of attorney and getting our taxes filed.

But then there’s the things that you won’t find on any official list.

The things like, “Buy new undershirts and socks,” or “stock freezer with easy-to-defrost-and-reheat frozen meals.”

I always make a trip to the wholesale store with my husband, to load him and us up with snacks, so I’m not braving that grocery trip with my toddlers.

And then there’s the downright crazy, like “touch up paint on walls and doorframes where toddlers have smudged it.”

A few weeks ago, I literally made my poor husband spot-paint all the walls in the living areas from the waist down because if I have to spend four months staring at those smudges only toddlers can leave that no sponge and soap can scrub off - I will go insane.

And trying to paint it myself with those same toddlers’ “helpful” hands?

Yeah, right.  Not happening.

Some other things on that less-than-normal deployment checklist include “shopping for a secret chocolate stash” and “making sure we have our Amazon Subscribe-and-Save set up so we don’t run out of toilet paper, dog food, and popcorn.”

I make sure we have clothes in the next size and season for me and the girls.  We get dresses for any weddings, parties and big family events we are expected to attend.  I refuse to go swimsuit shopping with toddlers in tow, or, really anybody.

I stock up on at-home workout videos.  We record greetings from Daddy he can play when he misses holidays, birthdays, and dance recitals.

I buy an emergency stash of cold medicine, cough syrup, probiotics, ibuprofen, and vitamins, so I’m not running to the drug store with a vomiting child or a migraine.

I make sure I know all the passwords to his e-mail and Facebook profile, as he won’t have access to them while he’s underwater.

And I find silly little joke gifts to shove in his pack – silly putty that comes in a neon-colored plastic toilet, tablets that turn water into bacon-flavored soda, toilet-spray that blocks the bathroom smells and makes it smell of an old-lady perfume – to keep him grinning in the rough months of no contact with us.

It’s funny how important it all becomes.

Silly.  Crazy, even.

But important.

Right up there with the powers of attorney and taxes, in fact.

Cool Jobs: Personal Trainer

Anyone who has been stationed near Pearl Harbor has at least heard the name Dumbell Fitness. These ladies spend their days not just exercising but cheering each other on as they work toward their fitness goals. Navy spouse, Heidi Holloway, is one of the instructors and doesn’t just spend her days running dozens of miles next to clients because it pays the bills, she does it because she loves to help them succeed.

Here is more from Heidi about her cool job:

Heidi Holloway, Navy Wife

Job title: Personal and group trainer, and health coach.

Where do you work: In Hawaii, for Dumbell fitness, and Hickam gym.

What do you do? I teach a low impact boot camp for Dumbell fitness. It is a class designed to help beginners become comfortable with regular workouts and strength training. This class is also great for those returning back to working out after an injury, or even for those who are pregnant. The low impact modifications are a great option to help ease into a workout without causing injuries.

What kind of degree, training or experience do you need for this job? I have a Personal Training and Health Coach Certification through ACE, a group certification through AFAA, and a Spin certification through Madd Dog Athletics. I am also CPR/AED trained. All of these certifications require an extensive knowledge of the human body and how it responds to regular strength and cardiovascular training.

Why do you like your job? This job is my passion. A few years ago I was a beginner to the fitness world myself and just starting out on my own journey to health. I never would have put myself in this position then. But over the course of my journey I have fallen in love with health and fitness and helping other people reach their own health and fitness goals.

What is your ultimate career goal? My ultimate goal would be to help as many people as I can to achieve their own personal success story. To help them realize their own potential, and find their own mental, physical, and emotional strength. After all as military spouses we have to be able to handle just about anything.

What do you have for other military spouses interested in this field? For those looking to become certified, I would say do your research on certifications, talk to gyms to see what they are looking for. Then make a plan and go for it! It's a very rewarding field to work in.


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