Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
Can’t Find a Job in Your Career Field? Try Retail

Sometimes a career can head in a direction one least expects. And, many times, especially for Army wife Chelsea Smith, it’s all about putting yourself in the right place at the right time.

Act Professionally, Even Off the Job

And suddenly I was put in the position to hire someone.

And I knew exactly who it wouldn’t be.

My office has a position for a part-time worker this summer. And I have to choose. Acquaintances dropped hints. Friends outright asked. People I barely knew assumed I would offer it to them.

Our Favorite Website: National Military Family Association: It Is Time to Register for Operation Purple Camp

Our favorite military website this month is none other than that of the National Military Family Association. While we love the work they do for military families and the advocacy they provide for us, this month kicks off the beginning of an annual traditional that we can't thank them enough for: Operation Purple Camp.

Changes Coming to Military Benefits

By Jan Wesner Childs

You’ve heard the rumors: The death of Tricare is imminent and retirement pay is on the chopping block.

The buzzards have been circling ever since Jan. 29 when the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission released 15 recommendations to revamp military pay and benefits.

Since then, lawmakers have weighed in during Congressional hearings, advocacy groups have shared their opinions – good and bad - and the rest of us have tried to figure out what this means for our futures.

Military Spouse Job Fairs in March

Spring is coming! We promise. The snow will melt and you will be excited to leave the house again! Capture that renewed sense of energy now by attending a job fair. This month employers will attend job fairs around the country and be on the lookout for talented and dedicated military spouses just like you.

Check out this list and find the job fair nearest you! Be sure to click on the link for full details about each job fair and to register to attend.

March 6

Houston, Texas

Snow, Snow, Go Away

By Tiffany Shedd

February may be the shortest month of the year, but with all the winter weather we’ve gotten, it seems to be lasting forever. I thought that we weren’t going to have much of a winter, because last winter we started getting snow in early November.

This year, our first significant snow fall didn’t arrive until two weeks ago, and we have had snow pretty consistently every three to four days since then. It’s snowing right now.

Make Your PCS Resignation a Win-Win

Resignation can be tricky when it’s time for you to PCS. On one hand, you want to give your employer plenty of time to advertise, interview, hire and train your replacement. On the other hand, you don’t want to set off a series of events that gives him or her excuses to let you go sooner than you are ready. And quite honestly, you never know how an employer will take the news until you deliver it.

The terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

The babysitter cancelled. So the two toddlers headed to work to me, which today was at a school out on an island, across a long bridge and very far from much of anything.

We were locked out of the building, the wind was whipping, papers were blowing. Toddler number one had to pee. Toddler number two blew out her diaper, bad. Toddler number one peed her pants.

The event ran late - two hours late. The toddlers screamed, cried, ranted, raved.

Deployment to do list: more than powers of attorney and tax documents

The deployment checklist is a real thing.

Of course, there’s many things we do before my husband deploys that one would expect. Practical stuff any military command would hope you do, like powers of attorney and getting our taxes filed.

But then there’s the things that you won’t find on any official list.

The things like, “Buy new undershirts and socks,” or “stock freezer with easy-to-defrost-and-reheat frozen meals.”

Cool Jobs: Personal Trainer

Anyone who has been stationed near Pearl Harbor has at least heard the name Dumbell Fitness. These ladies spend their days not just exercising but cheering each other on as they work toward their fitness goals. Navy spouse, Heidi Holloway, is one of the instructors and doesn’t just spend her days running dozens of miles next to clients because it pays the bills, she does it because she loves to help them succeed.

Here is more from Heidi about her cool job:

Heidi Holloway, Navy Wife

Job title: Personal and group trainer, and health coach.


For Military Spouses
Apply for the Salute to Spouses scholarship today and begin your education! You’ll be on the way to your dream career.

Salute to Spouses Scholarship Recipients