Salute to Spouses Blog

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Snow day! Not for grownups

Are you snowed in? Did you go to work anyway?

When you look across the spectrum of employers, there are few that will shut their doors due to weather. Big box stores such as Walmart and Target will be operating, as will gas stations, banks and any other business that depends on customers walking through the door to make money. Many professional offices will remain open as well.

So, what do you do?

First, don’t call it before it happens. This week Fort Bragg and many school systems declared Friday a day off before the first flake fell. The administrators there have that power. You do not. Wait until the next morning to see just how bad the storm is and if you really cannot make it to work without risking serious injury.

Second, know your employer’s bad weather policy. Some employers may say that work is required unless the county is placed under a state of emergency. At this point, emergency officials require all unnecessary travel to end, meaning you cannot travel to or from work.

Also, some employers may allow you to use a vacation day if you feel the weather is too dangerous to drive in. Again, check your company policy.

And, some lucky employees may have an option to work from home in miserable weather. If your company allows this, be certain to pack accordingly and bring your work home each night if you know the forecast calls for questionable conditions in the morning.

A deep snow forecast is fabulous, when you are 8-years-old. When you are 28, and above, it just means a long, cold, miserable commute. Be prepared to don that hat and gloves, stock up on the coffee and get going.

Hopefully, it will also mean a quiet day on the job while everyone else waits it out at home.

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