Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
Riddle Me Not

Is anyone else just a little tired of the quizzes?

You know, the Facebook quizzes that can tell you what Disney princess you are, what type of dog you would be and what theme song you should blast as you roll down the street? Apparently selecting a color, type of vacation and your favorite hip hop artist will reveal your innermost identity.

They were funny, at first. They trickled in and for the first week I enjoyed musing over what science fiction world I should really live in and what Disney prince was really my perfect love match. Ha ha, very cute. A nice diversion from work.

But seriously, they are out of control.

This week's releases: How Texas Are You? How Bro Are You, Bro? and What College Major Should You Be?

We are scraping the bottom of the barrel, folks.

And the scarier part is that the quizzes that appear to have some merit, such as determining what college major you should be, may in fact influence those of us who are not able to resist the mindless advice.

Walk away from the quiz.

It cannot tell you what you should study or what career you should have. I took it today and purposely picked every poor answer possible. Drugs? Yes! Study? No. Interested in work? Nada. Up early? Never. Work ethic? Got none. Love books? Only to color on.

And according to the quiz, those answers labeled me as a future computer scientist.


Again, walk away from the quiz. The answer you are looking for is a lot easier than even taking a quiz.

Do what you love. Do what interests you. Pick a career that you are interested in learning more about, not just because a random internet quiz matched you to it.

When I took the quiz again with honest answers, it placed me squarely in engineering. Sure, I like science but I hate math. I despise math. I don't have the patience for the level of mathematics that the most basic engineering degree would require.

Strike two for the computer quiz.

Still don't know what to major in? First step, don't sweat it.

One of the most important experiences that comes with attending college is to spread your wings and learn, and explore. It is ok to enroll and take classes and have no idea where your path will lead.  

Take the journey. You will find your way. The choices you make will be much more fulfilling than any that a computer program could spew back at you. I promise.

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