Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
Momma Wears Combat Boots, Finally

A little known milestone passed by last month.

Female soldiers are participating in the Army’s storied Ranger School at Fort Benning, Georgia. On day one, 19 enrolled. After 10 days, eight remained – a success rate that is equal to the men.

Observers are at the school to make sure the women receive no special treatment. They are indistinguishable from the men in the course due to their buzzed hair, a requirement for attendance.

The doors were open to women for this session only as the military continues to research ways to integrate women into combat billets. A report is expected to be presented to the Pentagon at the end of the year when commanders will decide which of the military’s toughest units will begin accepting America’s toughest women.

But, did you see it on the news? Did it fill your Facebook feed?

Nope, mine neither.

Maybe because we have finally reached a point where it doesn’t really matter.

The military has always been ahead of the game when it came to integration. In military neighborhoods families of all race, backgrounds and social status are intermingled and they make it work. Promotions are based on points and performance. There is little room to snub someone because of their skin color or gender.

And while the rest of the nation argues, the DOD has extended full benefits to gay and lesbian families with nary a wrinkle.

They are ahead of the game.  And though allowing women into combat roles has been delayed far too long, it may be here at just the right time.

Your momma wears combat boots? Big deal.

Women are strong, women are fighters and much of the world already knows that. The idea that women can champion any job may be so well-accepted that a handful of gals surviving the hell that is Ranger School, where only 3 percent of soldiers earn the coveted tab, is kind of a no news event.

Of course some of them are going to make it? Why are we even asking the question?

Last month when my daughter’s scout troop visited the Blue Angels, there was no mention that the unit has just received its first female pilot.

Seeing a woman on the flight line was no big deal.

And that is a wonderful thing.

Congrats and god speed to all the strong, brave women blazing trails in our military and beyond. Your efforts may no longer make the front pages, but you carry every one of us with you on your journey. And we are forever grateful.

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