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Applying for a Job? Best Foot Forward, Every Time You Step in The Place

Twice now, I have seen the future of job seeking, and I don’t like it.

The first time, we were in a big box store. A 20-something gal was toting a screaming child in a stroller. She was stretched out across the customer service counter top, attempting to fill out the store’s application while the baby attempted to drive her nuts. He was winning.

The applicant hushed the child, grumbled at the child and emphasized to the screaming toddler that, “Can’t you see Mommy is getting a job?” I’m guessing he only understood that he was tired, and that was the end of his interests.

Again and again the applicant tried to speak with the manager. She smiled, batted her eyes and virtually begged for the job, and occasionally turned away to swat at the little boy.

Days later, at a restaurant, a teenage boy was filling out an application at a pizza joint we frequent. He sat back in the booth and gulped down pizza while he answered the questions. He seemed less interested in filling it out completely and more interested in the free pizza the manager offered him and the game playing on the television.

When the manager sat down to speak to him, the teen continued to eat and answer questions with a mouth full of food. We could hear his answers to typical questions: when can you work, why do you want to work here? His answers were goopy, pizza-filled responses that had little substance and a lot of chewing. Since he was wearing a baggy t-shirt and jeans, he looked more like he was there for the free pizza than the job opportunity.

This is not how you apply for a job.

How you represent yourself, from the moment you pick up the application, is how the employer, especially a minimum wage employer, may see you. Every time you return to that restaurant or store is a chance to make an impression.

And just because it is a minimum wage, starter job, does not mean you should show up appearing less than prepared and ready. You want to convince the management that you should be hired not because you can fill an empty, 8-hour shift, but because you have potential to grow in the company.

When applying for an hourly job, remember:

  1. Pick up the application and take it home to fill out. You do not have to be in a suit and tie to do this, but don’t show up in your cutoffs and tank top either.
  2. Try not to bring distractions to any part of the application process. This includes, children, pets and even your cell phone.
  3. Dress to impress. Applying for an $8 an hour job slinging greasy fries? Wear a suit, or the nicest outfit you own. They know you can handle this job. They are looking for applicants who can be groomed to move into management positions.
  4. If the management offers you free food, don’t take it. Politely decline. If you they insist on bringing you a plate, at a minimum, stop eating during the interview process. Nothing says amateur like answering why you are a perfect fit for their company while splattering tiny bits of cheese all over the boss.
  5. If you eat or shop at this place regularly, behave. Before and after your interview management may notice you, and how you scream at your kids through every, single, aisle.

It may be a just a minimum wage job, but employers are still looking for the best employees they can find. These hourly workers often become shift managers and store managers. Be sure you not only show them how valuable you can be today but also what your potential is in the future.

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