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Don’t Let Workplace Gift Giving Go Awry

The holidays can be a festive time of year, even at work. Until, gift giving goes awry. So, to keep everything cheery and lighthearted, be proactive with a little thoughtfulness and pre-planning.

For starters, “Choose gifts that are appropriate from a financial standpoint and for people you don’t know,” said Kim Zoller, CEO and founder of Image Dynamics.

Gift cards and gift certificates are probably the most flexible workplace gifts, for the receiver and the giver. People celebrate differently and gift cards allow them to get something they really want or re-gift them without any embarrassing fallout. For the giver, they are flexible because you can get them for any amount that is appropriate, they won’t offend your co-workers, and, there are lots of options.

“Gift cards for restaurants, movies, Amazon and bookstores are just easy, generic gifts,” said Zoller, co-author of You Did What? The Biggest Mistakes Professionals Make.

But, with ‘easy and generic’, you sacrifice a certain degree of ‘creative and interesting’. For something more attention-getting that can generate fun conversation too, try things that support mindfulness.

“A motivational book, like the book of the year, or those for any age, denomination, etc., or those written by certain authors, like Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom are good choices,” Zoller said. “Stick with books that have a growth mindset and make sure they don’t have religious undertones.”

When it comes to relationships at work, be a little more cautious.

“For your boss give something more symbolic, like a candle for women or something for the desk for men,” Zoller said. “Or, try a Zen drawing board.”

“For co-workers, whatever you buy for one, you need to buy the same for the others because people perceive a difference in treatment and in value,” Zoller said. “Adult coloring books are very “in” for adult mindfulness in place of meditation. And, you can add color pencils if you want to. If they don't like it they could pass it along.”

When workplace friends are involved, it is best to keep gift giving away from work because people have different levels of friendship and when there is a small group of people at work, it may get leaked outside the group.

“Make a pact with your friends not to mention it at work because when you are selective, people feel left out and they get hurt,” Zoller said.

She also suggested that in some cases, the best thing to do is to just set rules.

“People will be relieved by rules. Whether the rule is don’t give or, only give up to a certain amount, it makes it nice and easy for everyone. It’s always best to play it safe. It’s not worth hurting people’s feelings and impacting being successful at work.”

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