Salute to Spouses Blog

We're excited to be blogging about the latest topics in military life. We want to keep you informed on topics such as current events, education, career advice, etc. Feel free to post comments or questions to any of our entries.
Congress Won't Care Until You Do

Congress is currently reviewing a bill that will ease the financial burden for PCSing spouses who have to transfer their professional licenses from state to state.

That means when a spouse studies and works for two years to finally earn her professional license, only to receive PCS orders a week later, all the money she shelled out, and will now have to pay again in the next state, she can apply as a tax credit for that year (up to$500).

Sounds great, right?

It's likely to never happen.

The bill is sitting in the senate finance committee. There has been no vote, no discussion, no movement.

Historically, between 2013 and now only 15 percent of the bills sent to the senate finance committee made it to the next step in the legislative process. Of those, only 3 percent became law.

And this bill has a very specific audience, military spouses. Even more specifically, military spouses who hold state licenses.

There will be no marches. Little news coverage. Little notice when it never passes.

Again, we are on our own.

Military spouses must make their needs known to Congress. Writer your congressman. Tell them how important this is. Why should we continue to pay over and over again just to be employed? Why should we be penalized because the military requires us to move over and over again.

We shouldn't.

But no one is going to care until we do.

Contact your congressman. Over and over again until someone starts listening. It is the only way to make our needs known.

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